Invisalign Tips

Invisalign Tips and Tricks

Austin, TX – Orthodontic treatment can help patients get straighter, healthier smiles, but any type of treatment can take a bit of getting used to. If you’ve chosen Invisalign clear aligners as your treatment choice, you are on a journey that will reward you with a stunning smile. But there is a learning curve to get used to your aligners. Follow these tips from Dr. Silvana Gonzalez of Pure Smiles Orthodontics and you’ll be an Invisalign pro in no time.

  1. There will be a bit of discomfort, but don’t be afraid to treat it. No orthodontic treatment will be without a little bit of discomfort – we are moving your teeth after all! Invisalign users may experience some of this, especially when treatment first begins and when switching to a new aligner set. Don’t be afraid to take measures to relieve your discomfort. For Invisalign patients, chewing exercises are a great way to get used to the aligners. Special Invisalign chewies can be a tremendous help. These exercises can help massage your gums and increase blood-flow. You can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever to help with any discomfort.
  2. Practice taking your aligners in and out. The aligners are made to fit snugly over your teeth – this is important to ensure proper grip as they guide your teeth to their ideal locations. But that means it can be a bit tricky to get them out discretely and place them back without others noticing. In the first couple of days you have your aligners, we recommend spending a bit of time practicing taking them out and putting them back in. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at removing them discretely.
  3. The aligners may impact your speech at first. Because the aligners fit directly over your teeth, you may notice that your speech is impacted at first. Your mouth will want to create more saliva as it figures out what is going on, which can also impact your speech. Take time to practice with the aligners in.
  4. Remove your aligners when eating or drinking anything but plain water. Eating with your aligners in can damage them, and drinking anything other than water may damage them, as well. If you drink tea, coffee, or soda in them they may become discolored. Likewise, hot beverages may warp the plastic. 
  5. Don’t forget to wear your aligners. The aligners can only work when they are in your mouth, so don’t forget to wear them an average of 22 hours a day. Keep a plastic case with you to put them in when you take them out to eat so you won’t accidentally throw them away. 
  6. Create an easy to follow routine and stick to it. Proper oral care and wearing your aligners the recommended amount of time is crucial to ensure your treatment stays on track. We find it can be helpful to create a plan for your oral care, including on-the-go care when at work or school, and even your snacking and mealtimes, to ensure you set yourself up for success.

Invisalign treatment is an excellent way for may orthodontic patients to achieve their ideal smiles. To learn more about Invisalign or to see if you are an ideal candidate, schedule a consultation with Dr. Gonzalez today by calling 512-215-2520.

Pure Smiles Orthodontics – Austin, TX